Monday coffee, birthday weekend recap and my stand off with the Foul Fowl πŸ¦ƒ


Good evening  friends & happy Monday to all of you! I have been away for a few days – so lets catch up shall we!?

Friday: I took my lovely puppers to the dog park in the evening, we all made some new friends – with and without fur. There is nothing quite like watching your once anxiety ridden dog play without fear and greet the occasional human – Sydney has been a work in progress since I got her in 2013? So proud dog mom moment :). Then the rain came and I had to pack up the pups and head home :). Ordered Chinese, started a Netflix binge – then BAM the storm knocked out my electric for… like 4 damn hours. Fun fact, I cannot sleep in a dead quiet home. I just can’t relax enough to sleep…also heard from Caterpillar during this black out but that is for another day….maybe.

Saturday: The Golden Birthday had arrived and I was quite exhausted and definitely too sleep deprived to get my photo taken for my ID…but such is life lol. After a nice leisurely hour, waiting to give the BMV all my monies – I finally got the adult portion of the day out of the way! VICTORY! So off to go do some crafty things with my friend P who also brought a lovely cake and flowers for my birthday – very sweet. She found a local painting place, so we found some cute ceramics and began painting, I chose a cute little gnome – I will make sure to share him after he is fired and looking fabulous in his colorful attire. Ironically, I did not see the name of the green that I chose for his coat right away… turns out it was called “jaded” so there is that…ahem… LOL. Anyway, we then had lunch and back to the homestead for this gal – I bought Barley a new toy  while I was out too! So I was happy to give that to him…for the 2 seconds that he had it, then Syd took it, ah siblings! I finished my evening with a ladies night in – wine, brownies, dog cuddles (true introvert moment – go to a party, love on the dog!) and great conversations – it was a good day after all. After much anticipation and excessive worry, I made it. Hello 29, here we go!! <– Still a little anxious haha.

Sunday: I slept in. I was lazy until I was forced to move and go to my fathers. He was making me a birthday dinner, so of course I had to go. I think I may have rolled out of my bed (aka: nest) around 2pm. This is what happens when you turn 29 apparently haha. Since my father lives in a farm house with yard to roam, I always load up a pup, oe two…or 3. In this instance I tried all 3, this was the first time trying to cram all 3 fifty-ish pound dogs…in my civic. Just try and picture that. Luckily, the blind pupper Ana, curls up in the passenger seat next to me and naps the entire time, the other two hang out the rear windows – slobber and fur flying everywhere, an image of pure bliss. I wish I was that happy all the time – yeeesh!

It turns out my father recently acquired a turkey. Yes, a live, waddling and terrifying turkey. I must have forgotten this little fact because judging by the size of this feathered BEAST – it clearly was an adult?

I am going to be honest with you, outside of my backyard avian friends…I don’t give a shit about birds. They terrify me. I mentioned in one of my previous posts about a couple interactions with these creatures that resulted in a few trust issues and what I would assume is a small form of PTSD.

I was greeted by this large, white mass of feathers. Yes, greeted. I rolled up dogs hanging out windows, loving life to face this… thing.

I refused to get out of my car.

In fact, I am glad to be here typing this today.  SO…I eased my little Civic to the safest place to park while I came up with my master plan.

Another fun fact: Sydney loves to chase the chickens (gotta love border collie mixes), when she saw this thing she CLEARLY wanted the challenge. The drool became excessive. I had to try to get her back inside the safe car, so I could roll up the windows… meanwhile this thing sang what I assume is its “war gobble” while staring into my soul, mocking me with its extensive wing flaps.

Image result for big turkey meme

This meme accurately showcases my turkey nemesis

So there I sat. I watched him slowly stalk around a bit, taking his sweet turkey time all the while trying to talk Sydney – the fierce bird chaser off the ledge. I just simply had to tell her… “Sydney, you do not want to go paw to claw with this one. You will get eaten, Ana will get scooped up and I will probably die some how in some tragic burst of feathers while the victorious bird drives off in my Civic.” As if Sydney understood any of this…

Yes, my friends that is where my crazy mind went to haha. Now, we waited. All dogs accounted for, it was a waiting game and perhaps dare I say a game of chicken and I was losing. It seemed like forever, but the turkey finally moved past my car, occasionally gobbling about – still mocking me strutting away to the barn. 

It was my chance. I quickly leashed up Sydney to protect her from doing anything crazy, like running towards the beast and losing an eye. Two blind dogs was not on my list post birthday. So I coaxed Barley and Ana and gently tugged Sydney inside the farm house as fast as my two legs and 12 paws would allow. Whew. The look on my father’s face said it all, I clearly looked terrified and as I explain my surprise of said bulbous turkey – he laughed.  

Thanks Dad. Way to laugh at your scared daughter and her crazy dog pack. 

So. After a few steady breaths, I released Syd and let the other pups roam the house – looking for scraps and pets. Dinner ended up being lovely, smoked ribs and corn – life couldn’t get any better for me. I passed on the salad… However, I want to note that during my meal on the porch,  I saw white fucker strut into my peripherals…He hunkered down and watched me. CLEARLY looking for round two. No mister Foul Fowl, not today. So I did what any logical adult would to, terrified of birds… I waited him out again. As soon as he went into his little home area/coop/war bunker, I waved goodbye to my father and encouraged my pups to play chase….Into the car. We drove off, without a…scratch and all accounted for – I’m just not sure if we will be visiting anytime soon πŸ˜‚πŸ¦ƒ. 

So that was my birthday weekend. It was low key, filled with love from few and survived Battle of the Turkey. 

How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Do you have ridiculous fears as well?? 

Thank you for all the birthday wishes as well! Barley and I appreciated the kind words and love! 


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17 thoughts on “Monday coffee, birthday weekend recap and my stand off with the Foul Fowl πŸ¦ƒ

    • madkatter13 says:

      Thank you for the birthday wishes! I appreciate it so much! Also glad that I have another friend in my flock?! Shall I say? For the humans terrified of birds group lol!!

      Thanks again and I hope to chat soon! β™₯️

      Liked by 1 person

  1. bexoxo says:

    When I was a kid, I was working on a farm and my job for the day was to feed the peacocks. I went into their enclosure and they kept their distance until they saw food. They charged my direction, but I was quick enough to get out. I wasn’t too scared. Then, later in the day, I was playing with the rabbit right next to the peacock enclosure and 2 of them ganged up on me and started pulling my hair through the cage. That’s when I became terrified. I hate peacocks now!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tom Schultz says:

    Last fall, I crossed paths with a couple wild turkeys at a local park. Actually, it was on Thanksgiving weekend. From the evil eye the turkeys gave me, I’m sure they knew the significance of Thanksgiving for turkey-human “interactions.” No doubt, they thought of me as a Hannibal Lecter type. But, our brief encounter went peacefully as we kept our distance from each other. Whew!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Quinn says:

    Hahahaha happy belated birthday!

    “It was a waiting game and perhaps dare I say a game of chicken and I was losing” – clearly it was a game of turkey! Ha! Turkeys are so ugly God bless them. I always feel a little bad. That’s probably why they’re so grumpy. I would also be grumpy if my face had the skin of a scrotum. I mean seriously, how unfortunate!

    I’m glad you had a nice weekend and I can’t wait to see your jaded gnome!

    Liked by 1 person

    • madkatter13 says:

      Thank you lovely! Oh DANG – it was absolutely a game of turkey. Here I thought inviting the whole flock of avian terms would help this….def not. The key is to keep it simple haha – noted! πŸ˜€

      I. DIED. at the scrotum comment because well… its so TRUE! Sigh, perhaps I should offer this beast an olive wing??? The next time I visit?

      I will absolutely be sharing the Jaded Gnome soon! He should be ready tomorrow or Saturday!!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

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