Dogs, Moms and hikes with frogs! Also 200 FOLLOWERS!?

Hello friends!

Oh, how I missed you all! Come on in for an awkward group hug! ❤

Well, I took some “me” time this weekend and went hiking this weekend… Against my better sinusitis judgement, but it was worth it (I think). I got out, stretched the legs, took a couple photos, took my time with the day and played with pups…it was nice. I did not have reception though, so I feel so disconnected from the world – SO BEHIND ON ALL THE THINGS!

Here are some photos of my adventure – I did not edit them… Because I’m still in sloth mode – but I hope you enjoy them! 🖤

Let’s see here…

Sloth Mode – I am so sorry I am behind on reading your comments and posts! I have already started my replies and reading some, I will be catching up today for sure! Thank you for not forgetting about me and being patient – love you all!

I also realized that I did not even do a my photo challenge for last week… hopefully I will get that done before the next one rolls out :).

Boss Babe Vibes – I felt like I did some serious work here? Turns out when I looked at my “to-do” list…I crossed off like 2 things. So there is that… I ordered my business cards (YES!) ordered a few things that I needed for my home office, which is def something I need to channel all my extra energy into this week. My printer is not even hooked up and I need to create and PRINT! Ugh… I have piles of laundry in my office?? So in terms of work environment, it does not exist. I will get there :).

So the product that I will be selling, which is so near and dear to my fair, sensitive, crazy ass skin is… (drum roll) … is natural bath, body and home products. The fun thing is, you can create your own scent with essential and fragrance oils – it’s a pretty fab idea. In addition, you can customize the label to anything you want – like my title for a new lotion was inspired by Alice of course and named it “Wildflower.” Anyway, so I went all crazy lady in concocting this signature scent for me 🙂 it was lovely and I cannot wait to get it. I also made a natural flea and tick spray for my puppers because I take being a dog mom very seriously lol…. *obsessively checking email for updates*.

Not so social media – I took a bit of a break from posting every day for the IG #selflovebootcamp with @omgkenzieee , I feel pretty mixed about it. I did not keep up with the challenge /commitment but man – it was too consuming with all the feels and whatnot. Perhaps I will do a weekly version? I am still thinking on how I can do this so I can still feel human and work towards a better me. Additionally, not lose sight of what my DOTMK IG was for, while it is all mental health related, if I have to post one more pic of me specifically, I may just lose it haha. I am tired of seeing it myself all haha.

Sore Legs & Self Love – My hike kicked my ass too. I am a pro at hibernating like you have never seen. Sleep all day and all night without a prob?! ME! Perhaps it is because of all my insomnia days. My body is finally resting? Or perhaps I am still depressed, humm! Regardless, I got out and moved which I need to do more of. I have to get my cholesterol checked again this week to compare since I have had high levels for the past two years and I have not done much about it. I know… people see a petite gal and do not think cholesterol probs but it is very real my friends. It comes in high doses of pizza and napping haha. So I am going to try to do better, it is all I can do. Same with everything else in my life I suppose, I am a work in progress friends, a true hot mess of a human haha. Which reminds me, I saw this shirt from quite fitting eh!?

Speaking of Mothers – I did spend some time with mine yesterday, despite our um… unique relationship. I got her a card and tried to find the perfect Hallmark card for her. However, there is not a “eh you probably did your best” version. I tried to find one, trust me. Instead, I flipped through sappy cards that just did not fit and ended up settling with one that seemed full of lies and flowers. I am glad that it is over, I did my part world.

I got a couple “happy dog mom” texts and even received a homemade card from Caterpillar which was super kind, he used photos that I did not even realize that he took of me and my heathen dogs. This is his second year doing this for me, so perhaps he does care? Who knows 😉 . Can I say that homemade gifts are the fucking best? Like even simple things, I would take a drawn stick figure over some overpriced thing any day. Maybe I am just easily pleased haha.

The GRIND – Work is about to kick up for me as it is intern season – RUN! I will do my best to keep up with all of you fabulous people.

BLOG – OMG! I hit 200 FOLLOWERS today!!!! 🎉 THANK YOU MY LOVES!!! You all are the best and I can’t wait to keep learning about all of you 🙏🏻. Thanks again for all your support 😘. #blessed #dancingforjoy

Ahem. Sorry – got excited 😁

How was your weekend!? Did you receive anything for Mother’s Day? Do anything different or exciting? TELL ME EVERYTHING! 😘😘

Love you all and talk again soon! 

Follow me down the social rabbit hole – Instagram & Pinterest

16 thoughts on “Dogs, Moms and hikes with frogs! Also 200 FOLLOWERS!?

  1. nkdwhtguy says:

    Fun post. I think there is a niche for someone who will write “eh you probably did your best” version of greeting cards. I’d like one for my brother that says something like: “Happy Birthday Brother. You weren’t an asshole all the time…. ..”
    p.s. Where are the pups in the photos?

    Liked by 2 people

    • madkatter13 says:

      Hi there! Sorry for my delay, it is a busy time in HR right now! Hello summer interns!

      Thank you so much for reading my blog and your support for … shall we say honest cards? haha. I LOVE your idea of “Happy bday… You weren’t an asshole all the time…” You should totally make one and sell that on etsy, I feel that would have a following too! 🙂

      In terms of pups! I took my oldest pup – Syd, who was very anxious about barking at the people I was avoiding capturing in the photos. I do have a couple of the fluffy gal – I will make sure to add them on my next post! They are not as pretty as the water though… she is quite the fidgety one :).

      I hope you are having a good week and hope to chat again soon! ❤


  2. Tom Schultz says:

    Lovely pics. I especially like the muted colors of the sunset. And are those pine trees? Pine trees in Ohio–who knew? This must be in some secluded corner of the state…sort of a Jurassic Park thing. Glad you and pups escaped the velociraptors.

    Liked by 1 person

    • madkatter13 says:

      Hello friend! Thank you for you comments on my pics 🙂 the sunset was lovely. My goal is to get up into a fire tower for a sunset picture next time!

      In regards to pine trees, oh I know. Quite the rarity and believe it or not, I am pretty sure that I saw an actual dinosaur. He may have been stuffed and on my key ring but he was definitely there 🙂 . Syd and I are quite nimble… by that, she is. I am as clumsy as it gets, luckily she has a loud bark and stands tall to velociraptors! Quite stubborn that one, I was in safe paws!

      How is your week going!? ❤


      • Tom Schultz says:

        Well, those small stuffed dinos are the safest to have around. Especially when you have a trusty protector of the canine variety.
        My week had a little unusual excitement today. I live in suburban Detroit, but work close to downtown Detroit. Well, what do you know but we had a shooting outside the office this morning. Some guy pulled a gun on some of Detroit’s finest and wouldn’t obey their commands to put it down. He ended up wounded, but fortunately not that seriously. There must’ve been 20 squad cars within minutes. Perhaps I should ask for a bulletproof vest as a fringe benefit?
        Other than that, kind of on pins and needles waiting for a ruling on a case.
        As the Beatles sang, O bla di O bla da life goes on (oops! showing my age!)
        G’night fair Katrina. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • madkatter13 says:

        Oh my gosh! That is scary, I think the vest is a great idea and if they do not support it, perhaps we need to have a chat with them! I am glad you were safe – I probably would have been in panic mode, hiding somewhere?

        Fun fact – that is actually one of my fave Beatles songs! I hope you are having a good day! I should be more lively here again – the intern hiring storm has passed! YESSS!!! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

    • madkatter13 says:

      Hello lovely! Sorry for my delay, it is quite busy at work this week. We are hiring lots of interns for the summer – whew! It has taken me everything to not drink coffee at 3P to get through :).

      Thanks again for your kind words, I am glad that you loved this post and my photos! It means a lot :).

      I hope you have having a good week and hope to chat again soon! <3<3

      Liked by 1 person

      • helloitsjo says:

        oh my goodness don’t worry at all! That sounds both hectic and so exciting at the same time haha!! No problem at all, I hope you have a great rest of your week tooo!! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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